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© René Hildebrand – created by René Hildebrand! The Cazador-del-sol is a copyrighted artwork by the artist René Hildebrand.
Cazador-del-sol - the Original!
The sun catchers from Cazador-del-sol are guaranteed to shine for 10 years and more. Quality - made in Germany


Many projects have already been realized with the Cazador-del-sol – in front of modern as well as classical architecture by land and by water.

Streetart Installation in Chicago

3/7/22 | Chicago, Illinois Streetart Installation in Chicago

Street Art Installation at the John Hancock Building.

Colorful Installation at the Horticultural show in Germany

4/20/20 Colorful Installation at the Horticultural show in Germany

Cazador-del-sol shows a colorful Installation at the Horticultural show in Kamp-Lintfort!
On Monday April 20th the Horticultural show in Kamp-Lintfort (Middle-Germany) opened their doors to the public.

Cazador-del-sol in the flower beds at Market Street in Houston, Texas

4/15/18 | Houston, Texas Cazador-del-sol in the flower beds at Market Street in Houston, Texas

A new art installation at Market Street has been catching everyone’s eye! This bright and colorful installment features bright hues popping up from the flower beds in the Central Park.

Cazador-del-sol - Glowing at the GLEAM, August 31 - 28 October

8/31/17 | Madison, Wisconsin Cazador-del-sol - Glowing at the GLEAM, August 31 - 28 October

We brought a very special installation of Cazador-del-sol into the Serenity Garden part of Olbrich Botanical Gardens.

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Suncatcher at the Willis Tower in Chicago

3/14/17 | Chicago, Illinois Suncatcher at the Willis Tower in Chicago

Flower beds artistically designed with suncatchers on Wacker Drive and in front of the Willis Tower in Chicago.

Installation at the Horticultural show in Bad Ischl

8/21/15 | Bad Ischl, Austria Installation at the Horticultural show in Bad Ischl

On April 24th the State Garden Show has opened its doors in the Austrian town Bad Ischl. Cazador-del-sol presents the first Installation in Austria here near the famous city of Salzburg.

The Federal Garden Show 2015 in the Havel region

4/18/15 | Brandenburg The Federal Garden Show 2015 in the Havel region

Our Spring-Highlight: A huge Installation at the Federal Garden Show 2015 in the beautiful city of Brandenburg. More than 1000 Cazadores will be placed on top of the Marienberg in the City. Experience 177 days of the fascinating Havel region at the BUGA 2015 with our amazing Suncatchers!

Horticultural show Landau April 17th - October 18th

4/17/15 | Landau Horticultural show Landau April 17th - October 18th

Spring is coming and we're looking forward toward the new season. We're starting with a presentation at the Landesgarteschau in Landau. Since April 17th the Landesgartenschau Landau has opened their doors.

WESTLICHT at the openWestend

3/20/15 | Munich WESTLICHT at the openWestend

From March 20th to 22th lichtblick21, Cazador-del-sol-München, is presenting a lightinstallation at the openWestend-Event at the Georg-Freundorfer-Platz in Munich.

FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS  2014 in Berlin

10/2/14 | Berlin FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS 2014 in Berlin

As the Cazador continues its journey across European countries and cities it is on view at the Berlin Festival of Lights from October 2nd through 19th. At the BERLIN FESTIVAL OF LIGHTS 150 Cazadores make for an eye catcher shining at Ernst-Reuter- Platz.


4/20/14 | Oberstdorf ERLEUCHTET

From April 20th to 4th of May the Fuggerpark in Oberstdorf will shine with the Installation "ERLEUCHTET". Priest Roland Sievers and Priest Daniela Ditz-Siever of the Evangelische Gästeseelsorge Oberstdorf will open and close the exhibition with a mass

Horticultural show Zülpich

4/16/14 | Zülpich Horticultural show Zülpich

At April 16th the Landesgartenschau in Zülpich was opening their doors. We were glad to present there together with Garten-Baumschule Becker a Sunfield with more than 300 Cazadores.

Installation of Cazador-del-sol® on display at the Renaissance Vinoy Resort

10/9/13 | Saint Petersburg, Florida, US Installation of Cazador-del-sol® on display at the Renaissance Vinoy Resort

On October 9th the German artist René Hildebrand's shows his first ever U.S. installation of Cazador-del-sol at the Renaissance Vinoy Resort in Saint Petersburg, Florida.


6/29/13 | Hartberg, Austria MOHN-O-CHROM I

At the gardenevent „Garten+Kunst - One more day in paradise” Stefan Heptner, lichtblick21 presented together with Cazador-del-sol® the first red installation. At bella bayer, one of the most beautiful showgardens in Europe, the first red sunfield was shown from June 29th until July 21rst

Installation "66°"

6/21/13 Installation "66°"

The midsummer solstice on 21st June is just the right moment for the Cazador to cross the border to a region, where, at that time of year, the sun never sets. Cazador-del-sol® has been invited to present a suncatcher installation at the opening of the special exhibition in Rovaniemi.

Installation at the horticultural show in Sigmaringen

5/11/13 | Sigmaringen Installation at the horticultural show in Sigmaringen

After a successful installation at the World Horticultural Expo "Floriade" in the Nethterlands we are delighted to take part in the horticultural show in Sigmaringen.

Installation “time” at the Park Illumination at Grugapark

2/8/13 | Essen Installation “time” at the Park Illumination at Grugapark

From 8th February to 17th March the Park Illumination is mounted at Grugapark in Essen. Cazador-del-sol presents the first illuminated installation in the middle of the Dahlia Arena.


12/30/12 | Oberstdorf BELICHTET

The Protestant pastoral care for tourists in Oberstdorf hosts an installation in the Fuggerpark in Oberstdorf together with René Hildebrand and Cazador-del-sol

Installation "Oranje " at the Floriade

4/5/12 | Venlo, Netherlands Installation "Oranje " at the Floriade

Inspired by nature modern materials such as Plexiglas and Fiberglass-Rods turn into abstract plant-like artobjects

Eastern Sun - in the Annahof

3/29/12 | Augsburg Eastern Sun - in the Annahof

An Installation by Pfarrer F. Witzel - Evangelisches Forum Annahof and René Hildebrand

Northern Lights

12/4/11 | Munich Northern Lights

A yellow circle of light surrounds the outdoor pool in Munich Nordbad. 300 Cazadores swaying in the wind

Sunfields at Schloss Freudenberg

9/22/11 | Park Freudenberg, Wiesbaden Sunfields at Schloss Freudenberg

This art installation is a first for the Rhine-Main area. On September 22, 2011 at 12:30 clock the luminous garden

Harmony in the garden

6/13/11 | Moos near Hague, Bavaria Harmony in the garden

Moos near Haag in Oberbayern, 13th-18.September 2011. In Moos near Hague in Bavaria on the occasion of an

Lightfields in the Südbad in Munich

12/9/10 | Munich Lightfields in the Südbad in Munich

Südbad Munich, 9th – 19th December 2010. Discover the fascination of 300 Cazadores emerging from the mist over the warm

Gardens in the Sun

7/20/10 | Munich Gardens in the Sun

The heat of the summer, the colours of nature, the splendour of botany, the fragrance of July and August. - Botanical Gardens Munich, 20th July until 15th August 2010.

City of Gardens

6/1/10 | Katowice, Poland City of Gardens

Katowice, Poland, June 2010
The installation "City of Gardens" with 500 Cazadores in June 2010

Sunfields on Sisi´s Road

5/14/10 | Unterwittelsbach, Aichach Sunfields on Sisi´s Road

Water castle in Unterwittelsbach, Aichach, 14th May until 1st November 2010. An installation in front of the water castle - Water castle in Unterwittelsbach, Aichach, 14th May until 1st November 2010.

Art at the Estate- "Floating Suns"

5/1/10 | Estate Scheyern Art at the Estate- "Floating Suns"

Estate Scheyern, 1st to 2nd Mai 2010
At the spring exhibition "Art at the Estate" a floating installation was realized with the Cazador.

The Light of Resurrection

4/3/10 | Neuhausen, Munich The Light of Resurrection

Neuhausen Munich, 3rd to 11th April 2010
At Easter the artists Stefan Heptner, René Hildebrand

Cazadores in the City

9/1/09 | Augsburg Cazadores in the City

Augsburg, 1st November – 12th Dezember 2009 - Installation with 77 Cazadores in the Annahof


the Idea

"The Cazador-del-sol – an art object hovering between the visible and the invisible"
Cazador-del-sol light installations are projects of P. René Hildebrand and varying creative teams.

They are "lively" installations in various respects. The yellow light of the art object is generated by conversion of invisible light waves into visible light waves. The glowing discs of its elements, which are fixed on long, slender rods, move gently in the wind bringing the installation to life. So it is little wonder that especially children like to compare the Cazadores to real sunflowers. And that is where the secret of the sunfields lies. Modern materials like plexiglass and GRP rods are used to create abstract plant-like art objects, which are inspired by nature and enriching it.


The Cazadores-del-sol light installations are designed to give you moments of relaxation and pleasure amidst the hustle and bustle of everyday life. It turns your lawn into a mystical meadow that glows and never withers. Like a glowing field created from the warm light and the bright yellow colour. But even a single Cazador-del-sol in the garden or on the balcony will chase away the stress of everyday life with its bright light and its gentle movements. Whether as an installation or as a single object the Cazador directs our thoughts to positive ideas. They help you relax in an oasis of optimism and bring more light and warmth into your life.