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MON - THU: 8 am - 2 pm EST
FRI: 8 am - 1 pm EST
© René Hildebrand – created by René Hildebrand! The Cazador-del-sol is a copyrighted artwork by the artist René Hildebrand.
Cazador-del-sol - the Original!
The sun catchers from Cazador-del-sol are guaranteed to shine for 10 years and more. Quality - made in Germany


An installation by priest Roland Sievers and priest Daniela Ditz-Sievers, René Hildebrand

From April 20th to 4th of May the Fuggerpark in Oberstdorf shined with the Installation "ERLEUCHTET". Priest Roland Sievers and Priest Daniela Ditz-Siever of the Evangelische Gästeseelsorge Oberstdorf will open and close the exhibition with a mass.
» Installation ERLEUCHTET


René Hildebrand,
Pfarrer Roland Sievers, Pfarrerin Daniela Ditz-Sievers
Evang.-Luth. Kirchengemeinde Oberstdorf


Sabine Berger, René Hildebrand

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