After a successful installation at the World Horticultural Expo "Floriade" in the Nethterlands we are delighted to take part in the horticultural show in Sigmaringen. Who are what is this "Cazador-del-sol"? It is a Spanish term meaning "hunter of the sun". René Hildebrand, who created this unique round Perspex disc more than 10 years ago, realizes fantastic installations all over Europe using these Cazadores. In your garden or on your balcony, too, the suncatcher, which comes in various sizes and colours, will serve as a highlight.
The suncatchers of the Cazador-del-sol® special edition "Sigmaringen 2013" were sold on the spot at September 28th. The sale was a complete success: After short all the Cazadores with the special engraving were sold. Many Thanks to all the supporters, especially Karin Heun, Restaurant Ernesto!
» Website of the horticultural show in Sigmaringen
» Website Restaurant "Ernesto"
» Das Ende der Gartenschau: Alles muss raus!
Sonnenfänger und Gartenschauschilder finden beim Abverkauf reißenden Absatz
(Schwä, Erschienen: 29.09.2013)
René Hildebrand, Sabine Berger
René Hildebrand, Sabine Berger